Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Columnists, Opinion Journalists. What's the point?

Turks, they are one of a kind. Why? Did you ever see a nation so capable of everything, that can't achieve anything because of constantly underestimating its potentials? You're going to say. "Oh yeah? What are Turks capable of?" History of this great nation proves how they're capable of all the unimaginable things. Independence war, for example. They won it against England, Greece, which were affluent and powerful at the time. Turkey-to-be-Ottoman-Empire was, on the other hand, destitute without any money, any weapons or clothes or food. But they wont it. How? Because they got a leader, and people who loved their country more than anything.

There were more illiterate people at that time than today. And those people understood and believed in their abilities, fought with whatever they got, and won the war. Today, with the increasing number of educated people, Turkey seems to be going, if any direction, backwards. To the beginning.

This goes to all educated Turkish people, all the teachers, writers, professors, CEO's, students. They know, what's wrong and how they can fix it. But no one does anything. Columnists write their opinions, that the people who read them already know that. Nothing changes.

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. That's a fact. You can't go anywhere or change anything by just complaining about your government or you country or the ignorant people. So what if you just write your opinions, your readers already know what you write. Actions, actions, actions is what Turkey lacks...

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