Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fashion before and after World War II

Most people assume that fashion is meaningless waste of time but in reality fashion is not that lame. Psychology, sociology and economy all affect fashion and cause it to change gradually. Throughout the history we see fashion and trends changing, each time having legitimate reasons.

How did one of world’s biggest war changed fashion globally?

Before World War 1, women were dressing up more masculine or wearing long skirts that didn’t show any figure. By the 1920’s skirts got shortened and became above the knee and by the 1930’s women were wearing pants.

After World War 2, fashion industry was shaken with this economic fallout. Paris lost its monopoly due to the competition around the world. New York, London and Italy became part of the global fashion industry. In 1946, Christian Dior opened a couture store and sold his first collection at 1947. Dior abandoned the masculine look, and tried to emphasize the femininity in his clothes.F

That was the major change that occurred after WW2. History redefined fashion and war affected the industry. There was lack of fabric resources for textile industries so skirts become shorter and bikinis were invented. As you can see, economy affects fashion and trends more then we think. People started dress well for paying much less than they did before. By 1950’s working class women population grew and dress suits became popular. “Padded shoulders” were used to give women a more masculine look at the business world. Casual sweaters and pants became common. Leather jackets became popular among rebellious teenagers, which led to the fashion trends in 1960’s. Sex appeal was important and designers were emphasizing woman’s curves.

How to deal with people that judge?

I don't know about you, but those people are one of the biggest problems in my life. I'm sure every now and then everyone has these problems. Or who knows, maybe you're one of them.

Why do people judge? Because they don't accept the fact that there are millions of people that are nothing like them. They think they are so perfect, that they accept everyone to be like them. People who judge are the most boring people alive. They repress their feelings, emotions and live boring life. No? You know a friend who's so much fun and happy but who's also a gossip queen that judges people around her. GUESS WHAT? She's judging you too. Because she's judging herself as well.

These people can never be happy, but they sometimes do not realize it. So what if some girl made out with a guy that has a boyfriend? It's none of your business if you're not the betrayed girl. If that girl wanted kiss her, she sure can. She's only responsible to herself, and that no one else's business even if you her best friend, or sister, or mother. You accept her the way she is with everything she does.

But people judge. They say "she's a whore". Maybe she is maybe she is not. WHY do you care? Is your life that pointless?

How to deal with those people? IGNORE and act like they don't exist. I know they get on your nerves a lot but we can't judge them can we? They are who they are, I don't approve, but at the same time, I don't care.

Columnists, Opinion Journalists. What's the point?

Turks, they are one of a kind. Why? Did you ever see a nation so capable of everything, that can't achieve anything because of constantly underestimating its potentials? You're going to say. "Oh yeah? What are Turks capable of?" History of this great nation proves how they're capable of all the unimaginable things. Independence war, for example. They won it against England, Greece, which were affluent and powerful at the time. Turkey-to-be-Ottoman-Empire was, on the other hand, destitute without any money, any weapons or clothes or food. But they wont it. How? Because they got a leader, and people who loved their country more than anything.

There were more illiterate people at that time than today. And those people understood and believed in their abilities, fought with whatever they got, and won the war. Today, with the increasing number of educated people, Turkey seems to be going, if any direction, backwards. To the beginning.

This goes to all educated Turkish people, all the teachers, writers, professors, CEO's, students. They know, what's wrong and how they can fix it. But no one does anything. Columnists write their opinions, that the people who read them already know that. Nothing changes.

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. That's a fact. You can't go anywhere or change anything by just complaining about your government or you country or the ignorant people. So what if you just write your opinions, your readers already know what you write. Actions, actions, actions is what Turkey lacks...

Istanbul: The city that can never get a break.

Sunday morning. At the seaside, next to the great Bosphorus. I see woman with shorts and tank tops, listening to her Ipod while jogging. As she passes by, I see another woman, dressed up differently than her fellow jogger. She's all covered up wearing a turban over her head. You can barely see her hair. She's walking with a long family, a husband and children I assume. As I keep going, I see BMWS and Porsche's with glamorous people. Then I see children and woman on the streets begging.

Religious, modern, poor and rich. They all live in this one city. Istanbul is the city that connects East and West. The reason I titled this post "the city that can never get a break" is because it never can. It's always pulled by either West or East. They want it to "belong" somewhere, either to Europe or to Middle East.

But they can never get the biggest fact that, Istanbul or Turkey in general, is not European or Middle Eastern in a full way. It's the combination of both, and that's what makes Istanbul, Istanbul. They're always trying pull two sides away from each other. Istanbul stands to connect Europe to Asia, not just physically by its bridges but also mentally, socially, politically and economically.

There's never a conflict between the two types of people I mentioned at the first paragraph. So why are people trying so hard to put gaps between them? It's obvious people can get along and live peacefully. America from one side, Arabs from the other are trying pull us away from each other, but Turks as a nation shouldn't let that happen.

This is also who I am.

I am the combination of both cultures. Sometimes, I'm traditional, sometimes I'm a religious Muslim girl, sometimes I'm as wild as Europeans and maybe more modern then they are. In addition, I would like to point out that I'm not a covered up religious girl, not at all, but I believe in God. I'm a true follower of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and am proud to belong to a nation this great.